Tuesday 25 September 2012

I'm now hooked!

I've ditched the knitting needles, it was getting too hard for me to hold them AND the weight of the knitted item, so have grabbed a crochet needle for the first time EVER!

Thankfully there are plenty of YouTube videos out there to help me along my journey, especially helpful are the left handed ones! I remember many HUGE sighs from my Mum trying to teach me to knit as a child. We tried everything when I was little to try and make it easier for me to understand, but it was very much Knit 1, unpick 2, pick up 10 dropped stitches......whatever I made looked like a string vest!

So hopefully the crochet hook and I will get along much better!

I have a basket FULL of wool, and I'm hoping over the next few months, I can create a few items to sell on a craft stall somewhere. I have no idea if I'm even going to be able to do it, so no major plans are set!
With my M.E. I need something to keep me occupied, and at the moment I have a passion to learn new skills, hopefully this will be something that could help while away the hours of boredom, whilst feeling too tired to do anything else.
I hope you will enjoy following me along my crochet journey.....I'm looking forward to my new adventure, and hope to share some of the patterns I use along the way.

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with CFS/ME too! Along with fibromyalgia particularly in my neck and shoulders. Some days, even sitting at a desk to make cards is too much. Learning new skills is a great way to keep our spirits up though :) Look forward to seeing lots of your creations!
